The availability of freshwater resources in Italy are dwindling. According to an ISPRA report, the average annual freshwater resources available from 1991-2020 have decreased by 19% compared to the historical reference value from 1921-1950.
Further to accessing water availability, it is also important to determine how much water the river ecosystems need to function and survive . The MesoHABSIM (Mesohabitat Simulation Model) methodology aims to address this issue. MesoHABSIM has been developed by an international research team that includes, in Italy, the Polytechnic of Turin, ISPRA (the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research), and the Universities of Turin, Trento, and Parma.
The MesoHABSIM methodology, which this webdoc is dedicated to, has been tested in 13 Italian regions to date. Crucial information and data have been collected to calculate the so-called “Ecological Flows”.
Ecological Flow refers to maintaining, throughout the year, a suitable hydrological regime for the river’s ecosystem functioning and resilience, as required by the European Water Framework Directive. This represents one of the main challenges in river environmental management, to insure water availability for future generations.